Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas in Sunway
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
South of Thailand ~ food paradise!
The night b4 the trip to Hatyai , I didn't sleep well at all as always cuz i was thinking about what i had forgotten to pack and worried that i may over sleep. i think i only had about 3 or 4 hrs of sleep. But i woke up once the alarm went off and i was ready in 20 min . we went and picked up the rest of the passengers and met at my bro-in-law's house. We left in 2 cars , and stopped for breakfast at Bidor. Their specialty was wantan mee. It was not really spectacular but ok , i guess we can say its nice esp the shrimp wantan :) and after that we continued the journey. We made it to the border by lunch time and after checking into the hotel ( Mayflower Grande) , we went for a nice lunch at the Chinese shop right opp. Lee garden! Then it was shopping after that. i bought 2 pairs of shorts and that was when i knew i was FAT . i couldn't get into them at all. they would not get past my thighs !! so i went back and changed those for a denim skirt ! and i got a medium sized one and even that didn't fit me!! i had to get a Large ! see what i mean! ???? :( PIGGY me! Dinner was really nice and we ate at one of our fave restuarants simply called 59! . i was so bloated from eating too much and i even had beer. Phew. It was more shopping after that and i only got to sleep at about 1am!!! The next morning breakfast was at 8.30am but i was awake at 5.30am cuz i really had to go to the bathroom to pee ! and i had over eaten as well , so i also had to poo-poo at 5.30am! Hee Haa Haa! Breakfast was also another big meal at the regular haunt. I don't really fancy their noodles, bakuteh or chicken rice so i ordered eggs and ham, and even had 2 half boiled eggs with mini yau-cha-kuay! Shopping was even more intense on the 2nd day cuz we went to the market and bought a ton of stuff. I got 2 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of shorts and lots of T shirts. Lunch was in MK steam boat at the Big C . I reallyl love Thai steamboat, its very similar to the one in COCA. Again we over ordered and couldn't finish the food. Since we were at the mall we shopped some more but this time i didn't buy that much. I got a pair of PJs for myself and my mum! And diane and i bought a jacket each cuz it was really cheap and nice. We had that chocolate fondue with ice cream and fruits at Swenson at the shopping was all done, wooo hoooo!!! i was pretty tired, so by the time we got back to the hotel i had a short rest after a shower. Dinner was seafood stuff and it was delicious. The restaurant is called Hia Kui and the boiled cockles are soooo well done, bloody and soft ....hahahaa! Gross huh??? The tomyam was fantastic, the pineapple fried rice was to die for , and the grilled mackerel scrumptious! Drool drool! The night shopping was just so so and i bought some dresses. We had supper in the night cuz my niece and I wanted to make sure my youngest sis -in-law Pauline tried the duck noodles and she really liked it :) she ate a whole bowl by herself , but Mei and i shared one. We also had sotong bakar and lin chi kang!The next day for breakfast i decided to take it slow and shared a bowl of noodles with Diane :) and then it was back to the market and this time we targeted the bags and shoes. I bought a pair of formal court shoes in black velvet and a red bag. I really didn't want to get any more bags as i had bought about 4 last September when i was there. But everyone bought one , and they each got a different colour so i guessed it was nice and cheap so i opted for a red one and then everyone bought an Anna Sui dinner purse so i got one as well!! i just followed the crowd! Heck , everything was so affordable wat!!! For lunch i had suggested that we try western food cuz i noticed that Sizzler was having this very good deal . If u order a main dish ( grilled pork loin , beef steak or chicken at 16.90) , u get to have the appetizer and salad bar buffet free. it includes 4 varieties of soup and some desserts too! So we went for that , and it was a good choice. i had a steak and Diane had her grilled chicken. My hubby had steak. I loved the salad , and the dessert was the best, they had 2 choices of mousse ~ choc or strawberry. I shopped for just a bit more after that and went back to the room for a snooze. i was dead tired.At 7pm Mei called and asked if i wanted to get my hair done ! we had noticed that the Thai girls were walking around with some kind of glittery tinsel in their hair and we asked around and found that they tie some very fine tinsel strands into the hair and its pretty. They charge 1Rm for each strand. So we went for that , i got about 10 strands. and Mei got 20. My older niece did 27. !! later on even my older sis -in-law did some too! they had their manicure done too but i didn't want that. For dinner we went to this new place called Log terrace and it looks really wow.

Eating Spree
Monday, December 17, 2007
Chronicles of Bangkok
It took us about an hour to clear immigration at Bangkok airport due to the huge crowd as well as Thailand's ruling for all visitors' photos to be taken - coming in and going out of the country. Bodoh punya system, so time consuming!! We checked into our hotel, Le Fenix, located just across from Q-Bar and then headed for late lunch.
The 5 days we were in Bangkok involved a lot of walking. I was popping pills the whole time ... eh eh... I meant panadols-lah.. leg pain mah!
On our first night, we had dinner on a boat cruising along the Chao Praya River and after dinner, the walking began - at Suan Lum night bazaar. The shopping spree officially took off that night too. (at the end of the trip, Mic ended with 10 pairs of shoes/sandals ; AB & SP shared a jumbo box to airfreight some of the things they bought, home. Penny spent until duit habis.. )
The next day, being a Sunday, we went over to Chatuchak weekend market. More walking, more shopping. It was pretty hot inside the market so after a couple of hours some of us took refuge at the aircond shopping mall just beside Chatuchak.
That night, dinner was at Tawandang German Brewery where the band played mostly oldies. Later there was a magic show where the magician swung a fishing line and fishes would start appearing at the end on the line. We were truly amazed because the fishes were still alive as they appeared. Then, a lady dressed in Chinese opera costume did a face-mask changing act followed by a performance from a different band. They brew their own beer here which must have tasted good; my friends drank 26 mugs between them! Me - I had chinese tea and a cup of latte.
Day 3 - Ancient City, (Muang Boran) the world's largest outdoor museum (320 acres) which mimics the shape of Thailand and features replicas of the country's most famous landmarks and monuments. We rented a 6-sitter golf cart to get around. Good thing we didn't opt to cycle (as was my initial suggestion) because the place is really big and it was really a hot day. Our cart kept going on the wrong side of the road just so we could get away from the sun! We left after 2 hours and now I can proudly proclaim that I have seen the whole of Thailand in miniature form !
From Ancient City, it was off to MBK (Mah Boon Krong) Bangkok largest shopping mall for lunch at the very modern and clean food court and of course, to continue shopping. By now I was beginning to panic as I still hadn't bought anything in the past couple of days. Thank god it was here that I made my first purchase since arriving Bangkok. I bought a t-shirt for my maid and some tit-bits for home.
That evening, dinner was at an Italian restaurant called ICI. (I think) It was voted Restaurant of the year 2006. Personally I found the food to be just average.
Our hotel do not provide kettles and each time I wanted a cup of coffee I had to call reception for a pot of hot water which meant I had to tip the waiter for every pot he brought. Fed up of having to fork out more tips, that night after dinner, I bought a mini kettle at Robinsons. The kettle was my most expensive purchase for the entire trip. And it was below RM 30.00!
Day 4 we had to wake up extra early as we were going to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. We left the hotel by 8am and had chartered a 13-seater van to get us there. It was quite a pleasant experience coasting along the narrow canal on a boat. Reminded me of playing dodgem - the boats collided with each other as the boatmen refused to yield or let another boat pass. There were some scary moments when the boat would tilt to one side. Aaahh... takut gua!
From here we proceeded to the Royal Grand Palace & Emerald Buddha for more sightseeing. Trying to save cost, we declined the services of a tour guide. This was a mistake as we couldn't make out what each monument/temple represented. Unfortunately, the Emerald Buddha temple was closed to vistors that day as there was a ceremony (with chanting) going on at the courtyard but we could catch a glimpse of the Emerald Buddha from the open doorway. Everything within the grounds was really grand and so full of history. Given a chance I would visit again and this time hire a guide!
We did not have the stamina to walk the whole grounds and decided to leave. The driver had earlier told us to call him after we finished and he would pick us from the park across the street. While waiting, I was approached by an old lady (I noticed her feeding the pigeons) who pushed some packets of corn towards me. I declined but she was very insistent and made a motion of rubbing her tummy. From her gestures,I interpreted that her job was to feed the pigeons and she wanted my help to complete the feeding so she could leave as she was hungry. I finally took 3 packets from her and was relieved that she walked away after giving me the 3 packets. Happily I threw the seeds to the birds .... weee birdies birdies come n mum -mum .... Once done I walked towards the rest of the group but felt somebody tugging my arm .. it was the old lady and she said ' money' and put out her hand towards me. Well it costs me 60 bahts for 3 small packets of corn. My friend, Grace commented, " I cannot believe anyone can be so gullible."
The driver dropped us at a nearby restaurant named S & P facing the Chao Phrya river. The food here was quite good or maybe we were hungry? After lunch we went to the Gems Gallery where Penny bought a ring and matching ear studs ; something that looked like diamond but isn't and only if you are an expert would you know better. Bolih tipu orang . wink.. wink !!
From Gems, the driver made his final drop and we alighted at The Platinum Fashion Mall at Pratunam. More walking, more shopping. That evening, we got a bit adventurous and decided to go back to the hotel on two 3-sitter tuk-tuks. Mind you, the drivers are hell drivers... Good thing I was seated in the centre. Phew...
After a quick shower, we walked to a nearby restaurant called Zanzibar for dinner. Alamak ! the food here very expensive-man. I swear it was not our intention to potong Mic's neck as it was her treat! We had a very quick dinner and then all 6 cramped into a normal sized cab to Suan Lum night bazaar again. This time I did better, I manage to buy 1 T-shirt & 3 boxers plus an adapter. (for the kettle)
Day 5 - We went back to Chatuchak as Ab & SP took more things to fill up the jumbo box which costs RM 500.00 for door delivery by air. While they were at it, the rest of us ventured to the mall next door. On my final morning at Bangkok, I bought another 3 T-shirts and 10 pcs of scented soaps. From there we rushed back to the hotel and reached just in time to check out at 1.00pm. We had planned to go early to the airport for lunch and for some last minute shopping. We also paid additional 200 bahts per pax for priority boarding.
Itu priority boarding tipu orang punya... You may not have to queue when the gates are open but the bad news is, we had to board a bus to get to the plane which means that there is no guarantee that you will be the first to get off the bus when you reach the plane.
Again there was another long queue to get through immigration leaving us just enough time for a quick lunch before we had to check in to catch the plane for home.
Unfortunately, all the photos I took in Bangkok had to be erased as there was a problem with my camera's memory card and it had to be reformatted. I would so love to have shared some of the sights of Bangkok with you. Well, maybe another time. What a long post.... hope you don't fall asleep reading?
Asian idol ...... HAHAHAHA Hady!
On saturday night when we all sat in front of the Tv to watch the show, we also sat and calculated the best way to send in our votes to ensure that our local idol wins. So we each voted for jac and for the 2nd choice we each chose a different one. So jac would have 5 of our votes but the rest of the idols would only get 1 each from our family!!!! in any case, jac still didnt win :( Our efforts didnt pay off at all!!
But we know that jac is the real winner. Maybe i am just being biased and too Malaysian to admit it !! but i do think that even tho mike did ok, and that Mau has a powerful voice, jac stood out in her own way. She sounded more professional than the rest. Some said that hady was the whole pacakge , looks and all ... Heck, jac is a package on her own too!
Go see for yourself!
Friday, December 7, 2007
L-e-t u-s t-a-l-k!!!
The m-a-i-d got a l-e-t-t-e-r from her m-o-t-h-e-r today and she wants her to buy a h-a-n-d-p-h-o-n-e . She also wants her to go back in M-a-y. I told her that the a-g-e-n-t says they arent allowed to have h-a-n-d-p-h-o-n-e-s . In the night i heard the sound of a b-e-l-l in her room. It makes the sound r-i-n-g r-i-n-g , like the b-e-l-l on your anklet! I asked her what it was and she said that its the r-a-d-i-o. And this morning , she was cutting the s-t-a-r f-r-u-i-t , and she was cutting it the shape of s-t-a-r-s. i told her to stop cuz we dont cut the f-r-u-i-t that way! But she refused to stop. And she even cut up a ton of g-ar-l-i-c to keep . i told her that those dont keep well but she insists they do!! >
The conversation was longer than this but believe me it sure felt really really long cuz it was not easy deciphering all her spellings! Its not that i cant spell , u try it out and see how difficult it is to listen and make out spelled out words like that. NO wonder we talk like that when we dont want our kids to know what we are talking about! Heck even adults cant decipher it!!! LOL i tried it with my sis and she was like huh?? what?? wait wait , spell it again , h-a-n what??? ...and what's g-a-r-l-i-c? ... Phew!!! But that is my mum for u!!!! So next time u want to tell a secret and don't want to whisper u can try this , it sure makes it tough for the other person to get your drift. By the time they figure out what m-e-n-o-p-a-u-s-e is , i would be 70!!!!
K-N-O-W W-H-A-T I M-E-A-N ????
Monday, December 3, 2007
Auntie, that's me !
(P.S. At time of writing results were NOT out yet… but it has taken me days to write this and at time of publish, yeap, she got through and will be graduating next month, I think. Congrats !)

Mei Leng ‘s kids came back for their holidays and the family came over for dinner last Monday. As always, each time they come back for holiday, the boys bring me crossword books from Australia. Do they do it out of a sense of duty or are they really fond of their Auntie, me? Hmm… I wonder?
After the visit from them and whilst browsing through Sue Li’s blog, a feeling of melancholy struck me and I kind of, felt old. How big they’ve grown, my nephews and nieces! Thank God they have matured to become such fine & decent young people. Not like some kids, boys with long messy hair etc … shudder .. shudder !! I would never say it out loud, but I really am so proud of them and yes, I am fond of them too, more than they will ever know or guess!
What impression do they have of me? When they were young, I guess I wasn’t much of a doting aunt. Kids scared me (and still do) and the best thing I could do was ignore them. Whenever I speak to kids, it always comes out sounding harsh, and they end up terrified. Yes, best thing is to ignore them! Besides, come to think of it, Mei Leng’s kids were brats when they were younger! Mei Mei’s were so quiet that you hardly noticed them. What more, when we sisters get together, its difficult for anyone to get any words in edgewise as we will all be babbling at the same time. Blah blah blah… If everybody’s talking at the same time, who is listening? I remember clearly the 2 girls following Mei Leng’s eldest around - as if he was a much adored idol. That was so cute. Must have been uncomfortable for Cheng Rui though. I doubt he appreciated the attention he got from the 2 girls at his age then.
Kids, you have lived such charmed and sheltered lives. Everything has been taken care of and paid for by your parents so far. Soon though, you will have to venture out into the world to make a living. I fret and worry about each of you, how will you cope being exposed to the harshness & realities of life? What do you know about survival in the outside world? I pray that whatever challenges and trials you go through will serve to strengthen you into becoming responsible and caring individuals.
What words of wisdom can I bestow upon you? Have I set any fine examples for you to emulate? (snicker, snicker .. what ? a die hard cigarette smoking gambler???) Maybe, by way of example I may have failed you guys totally. But I want each and everyone of you to know, I will always be here for you. That is my promise to you. Just so you know.... I am afterall, your aunt.