Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friends for a season..

Our blog has been stagnant for a while and its mainly thanks to E that it did not fade away into obscurity. Even with lots of encouragement from her, I don’t seem to have a topic. Moreover, for the past 10 days or so, I have been working half a day everyday which doesn’t leave me much time to blog as I would have to do proper work whilst in the office. (however little there is-lah)

In the twinkling of an eye, a third of 2009 has passed us by.

The current economic slowdown has triggered off a series of flashbacks of what had transpired during the previous recession which occurred back in the mid 80’s and lasted till the early 90’s. My family’s business suffered, so did we and what we went through, given a choice I would prefer to erase from my memory. But can you ever forget?

It is at times like these that you begin to wonder and you hope and pray that you would never have to go through what you had experienced the last time. The hopelessness you felt, the humiliation, the fear, the anger.

I suppose I could start another post and call it “skeletons in the closet”? All those deep dark family “secrets” … but I didn’t start this post with an intent to blog about such a depressing topic. Funny how your thoughts tend to stray…

Thankfully, in the midst of such dark recollections, I am also reminded of God’s goodness; His mercy and His compassion. I am grateful that when all seemed lost, He provided.

There was an email circulating and part of it goes “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime..”

In my greatest hour of need God sent people like Vicky, Anne Lim, Tien Hooi, Grace Tan, Dr. Gan, Jenny and several others. They helped and guided me through that difficult patch in my life. They were like embers that eventually ignited the little spark of faith I had left in God. I don’t think any one of them realized how great a role they played then or how I appreciated their many gestures of kindness,their prayers, their support. Their presence and encouragements gave me strength and rekindled hope when I had all but given up. After being so close during that short span of time, it is strange that we do not keep in touch anymore. It must be true then, that God sent them to me just for one season for a reason..

I do not know where some of them are today but I pray that should any of them be caught in a similar situation where I was, that God would do the same for them. May He send them an angel; that ‘special’ friend who would appear just for that one season for a particular reason.

As for me, may I too, be sensitive to His prompting to be somebody’s friend for that season when it is required of me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Easy beef noodles soup!

Today i ransacked the freezer and found a packet of thinly sliced beef , lots of chicken bones, a knob of Szechuan pickled veg and i decided to cook my very own beef noodle soup! I always enjoy the Vietnamese version but i don't have all those herbs at hand. So i just made up this simple recipe all on my own with some recollections of different noodle soup i had in several places.
I started out by boiling the chicken bones in a big pot , adding slices of crushed ginger and lots of crushed pepper seeds too. A pinch of salt was added and some pork stock too that i bought from Thailand :) very yummy ! As the soup was boiling i sliced the Szechuan veg into thin strips and then dumped them into the stock as well. 2 more pieces of chicken breasts were also added cuz i wanted to have some chicken meat in the noodles too.
When the stock was tasty enough, i removed all the bones and sliced the 2 pieces of chicken breasts and kept that aside. I dropped the slices of beef into the soup and then shredded lots of dried black seaweed into the soup as well. And that was it!When it came time for lunch, i boiled Maggi mee noodles and blanched some veggies as well. then Diane and i sat and ate the yummy beef noodles together !!! Slurp!!!
I wanted to take a pic but i was so eager to eat my noodles , i only remembered about taking a snapshot after i slurped the last drop of soup! Isnt that always the case with us when we go anywhere to eat and say we want to blog about the food!!!????? TYPICAL !!!!

E-asy 2 cook!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

an eye opener!!

I had been meaning to contribute in here. A ton of ideas crop up each day but if i don't put my thoughts into words immediately , the inspiration just fades away, never to surface again! And since today is a relaxing one, after the crazy hectic one i had yesterday , i am taking this opportunity to sit in front of the PC and type something.
My life was in turmoil at the end of last year , and although the tragic news of my mum brought me closer to God, the November disaster shattered all that. I asked questions that no one could answer. I was in doubt and my faith dissipated to nothing. I stopped praying every night like i used to. I just distanced myself from God and found strength in family , friends and myself.
As i settled back into my home , and started to live my life normally again, i try to keep myself busy and enjoy the good things in life with new vigour! Life is too short for worries ....
i think i have changed , become stronger, tougher and more appreciative. But thru all the changes, deep inside i am still the same me. And the old E would still pray and continue to believe in God. So last night i went to bed and started to pray ..... and i was stunned that i got stuck in the middle of the Lord's prayer !!!! i couldn't remember a small part ,...give us ??????? our daily bread!!! I went thru it many times in my head and guessed it was DAY but what comes b4 day!!!! So finally i gave up and just talked to God! When i was midway thru it , suddenly it came back to me ..... and i realized that it was " give us THIS day our daily bread"
Wow it was an eye opener! I had neglected to pray so much so i had forgotten the prayer!!! My mum would be so disappointed in me! So i am going back to my night prayers from today onwards!

E-very night I'll pray!