Friday, October 23, 2009

Farmer E

I have been away for a very very long time! Its not that i had nothing to blog about . On the contrary i had a zillion things on my mind~ things to rave about , ideas to share, Happiness to spread around, but time and my sheer laziness did not permit me to log into this site. Instead when i sit on this chair , facing the PC, my first click on the mouse brings me to the latest of online craze , the famous Facebook . To be more specific , let's put all the blame on virtual farms! They seem to sprout like daisies in a field and now there are way too many applications.
this is my Barn Buddy! >>

I started out with Barn Buddy and its a very simple application , which doesn't take up much of one's time. Then i received many urgent invites to join another farm game called Farmville.

And this is my Farmville>>
Apparently this one relies on the fact that u have to invite more friends to join in order to expand your farm. So i got endless pleas from my friends and eventually i became their "neighbours" . it didn't take me long before i got addicted as well . ( i think "SUCKED in" would be the more appropriate phrase here!!) It got very competitive and soon i found that i spending way too many hours farming ! I had to calculate and select what seeds to plant to advance to the next level as quickly as i could! Unlike the Barn Buddy one, the crops can wither if u do not harvest them on time! So its plant plant plant, harvest harvest harvest, plow plow plow and its goes on and on !!
Another farming application cropped up as i was indulging in Farmville , but i am adamant about not getting sucked in again. Farm Town is a more complex one where u can interact with other "farmers" online and get them to help u out in your farms. But i am staying away for now! I am all farmed out!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hi all.... its been awhile since anyone of us from the FEMS circle has update or posted anything in our blog. E was busy the last couple of months with her two older girls back from overseas (summer holidays). Phew... how time flies!!! Both girls came and left. Like the saying goes... time really flies when you are having fun. E.. lets start blogging.. how bout ? Anyway, with the two girls back to UNI, E has adopted another "daughter" to care for. P. The story line is P is E's sister in law (hubby side). P went for holidays with her group of friends and while bathing, P fell and fractured her ankle. P created much drama as ambulance came n pick her from her hotel to hospital for medical attention. P couldnt do much for the rest of the tour and came back hopping back home via "Now everyone can fly". P is now recuperating at E's and hopefully early next month, P will be completely cure.

F is busy with her new addition member to her extended family. She got "Mong Mong" as a gift from her younger sister. Understand from F, Mong Mong has grown so much that she is almost catching up with Storm (E's son).

As for me, well, I was also kept busy with lots of things one of which was, I also adopted a "son" named Renji. I had him for almost a week. Both my children adored him and with much regret, had to let Renji go as my mum cant cope with the extended family. I thought Renji would be a good therapy for mum to relax but alas how wrong I was. Sadly, we had to give away Renji to another family. My son was devasted over this but luckily he got over it. Maybe next time, we will try to have another extended family when both of them are older.

S..... Sad but surviving.

P/s... girls please continue to keep our blog alive.