Saturday, October 8, 2011

Learning HOKKIEN (one of the many chinese dialect)

hi, posting this just for laugh..... need some of these laughing therapy..

Learning Hokkien is as easy as ABC

Children - KINA KIA




Korean Car - KIA

Give birth - SEH KIA

Furniture - IKEA

Police - MATA KIA

Small house - CHU KIA

Hand phone - NOKIA

Malay - HUAN KIA


Mat Salleh - ANG MOH KIA


Japanese - JIT PUN KIA

Bad guy - PAI KIA

Good guy - HO KIA

Person who read this - GONG KIA

If you laugh - SIAO KIA


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

eulogy for mum.

Born : 1939
Called home : Sept 26, 2011

Mum is a very simple, no fuss lady but she can be very adamant with her decision. No one can over rule what she has decided, not even High court.!

During her younger days, she has to shoulder the responsibility as head of family as my grandfather passed away early, leaving 7 mouths to feed - grandmother together with 5 siblings in tow. Because of this, our family was kept small, ie Dad, Mum, my brother and myself.

Mum always reminded both of us, brother and me of her hardship and vowed never ever to let her children go through the same journey like her. We had the BEST of everything !!

Mum is always there for anyone - friends and her siblings, nieces and nephews. No double standard treatment from her ..... well maybe one or two !

Mum, you're a fighter and a great warrior. Never complained about anything even when you are sick or in pain. Never wanted to trouble anyone and always thinking about others.

The scarcifice you make taking good care of Sabrina and Wilson when they were born. 14 years on, they are now teenagers !

Thank you, Mum for all the love, care and attention showered to us, your siblings and extended family.

Mum I know you are tired, please rest your weary body. You have done well, did what you need to do, gone places and seen some of the wonders of the world.

REST well and dont worry about us, we are survivors and fighters like YOU! Rest your tired body and dwell in the house of our Lord God, Jesus.

Till we meet again, THANK YOU !! We love you and will miss you dearly.

Here's a peom for you, Mum.

There's magic in a Mother's touch,
and sunshine in her smile.
There's love in everything she does
to make our lives worthwhile.
We can find both hope and courage
Just by looking in her eyes.
Her laughter is a source of joy,
her works are warm and wise.
There is a kindness and compassion
to be found in her embrace,
and we see the light of heaven
shining from a Mother's face.
