Friday, August 10, 2018


I keep hearing that word.... and it keeps conjuring up that Green Monster! Not my favourite colour at all! When friends and acquaintances get judgmental and stab you from the back, your better friends tell you that they are just jealous! And i think ... Jealous of me? Whatever for? 

Then I wonder if Jealousy and Envy are the same thing? Is one worse than the other? Are they different degrees of bad and ugly emotions? In my religion, it is a sin to be jealous or envious. We should  be happy for the good things in the lives of others. We should not compare but I guess some people dream of having that better life.... a bigger car, a posh house, a better spouse,... and of course more and more and more material stuff. 

So I sit and ask myself .... Have I ever had that feeling? I am human... and I do get jealous. I have to admit that the only kind of jealousy that I would feel would be one of loss and betrayal in a relationship. That would be a justifiable kind of jealousy, wouldn't you say? 

Then I ask myself again.... Is there any person that I would be jealous of? ... Hmmm... I can't think of any! I may want to be prettier.... I don't mind being slightly richer.... I wish I could be holier and nicer.... Heck, I want to be perfect if I am allowed that privilege! But to think of one person that I am envious of.... Nope! No one comes to mind! 

I am happy being myself. ... though not perfect... and I can improve even though it is not easy! Old habits die hard. I am no longer that materialistic so I don't need earthly treasures to satisfy me. I have enough to make me smile. 

Finally, Green does not flatter me. It is just not my colour! 

Thursday, August 9, 2018


E called attention to this blog some days ago. She suggested we revive FEMSTUFF so here I am making the first move… I urge you all to continue writing. Why? For no worthier reason than this – that we leave behind a written legacy for our friends and loved ones to remember us by.

It has been more than 6 years since the last entry. Where do I start? What should I write about? Surely in the past 6 years we have gone through different episodes and experiences, some life-changing, others, mundane. Several ideas flashed through my mind but how to put into words? I read with renewed interests several old postings-hoping to draw inspiration, perhaps? Instead, memories washed over me and several times I was taken back to way back then… 

Over dinner one evening, I shared a post written in 2008 with Abby– and wondered why I didn’t showed it to her earlier? Then it struck me, probably didn’t have a smartphone then! (To side-track, whatsapp was invented only in 2009!) She laughed when she saw the photo in the posting but after she read the article, said she was touched. This is what I mean, one of our musings could very well touch someone without us realizing it.

I would love to have written something longer but was tied up with work for days after I promised to revive this blog. Hope that this short contribution will lead to more from E, S and perhaps, even M!

I am truly glad that 6 years on, FEMS are still connected! May we stay FEMS4LIFE.