Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where are the rest ???

What happened to S & M? S is silent and M is keeping mum? They must be really busy? As for me, true to my initial F, I'm forever free... And E is ever-ready, so is it gonna be just you and me, E?

Wei, girls, if we set our minds to it, we can do it. We can make this blog work! Let's try to contribute a post a day, be it long or short. Take a look at the younger bloggers out there, read their blogs and you'll think 'shame on us.' We can't allow those chicos to beat us, can we ? How come they got so much to talk about? Are our lives less interesting? Do we live in a world where nothing happens? Cannot be mah ... E wants to be an aspiring chef.. I want to win a car in the coca cola contest... okay la, no car, RM500.00 pun jadi la. You leh, M ? S?

This morning it rained, or rather, it rained last night and didn't stop till this morning. I guessed I wasn't the only one who loathed waking up this morning for work... Groan... what was worse was that between last night & this morning, I moved from my bed to the couch in the hall and back to my room and then to the couch - all in all, 4 times !! All because Mr. Shaggy must have felt extra cold and kept jumping up to where I was sleeping. Believe me, it's easier for me to move than to get him to move... Well, the moral of this story is, move before you get bitten.. and the connection between the story and this blog... nada, absolutely nothing! But I caught your attention, didnt' I ! So FEMS, keep going ... Kar yau, kar yau...

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