Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The other day, while snoozing and dreaming in my own world... suddenly my mobile phone rang.... repeating the name of the caller, XXX 88. The name of one of the six tugs that I am managing. The call came in at about 2.30 am. Yea... i wrote it correctly and yes.. you read it correctly, too. Took the call, which went like this :

Me : yea, slamet malam...
Capt : Slamet pagi...Buk
Me : Oh ya... slamet pg..
Capt : Ada problem, Buk...
Me : Aduh.. apa problemnya Capt ? (Mind running wild... kena tahan by immigration kah or kena stop by Marine)
Capt : Kita alami kerosakan Buk, mungkin pada main shaft...!! Lagi 10 nautical mile untuk sampe muara sungai...
Me : Sh...t... Oh.. No.... Ok.. Nanti XXX 18 akan kesana bantu balik ke jetty.

As informed by the Master, the main shaft (like our car steering wheel) has probably gave way and may need to dock for replacment. While talking to him, my sleeping mind suddenly awaken... sHxt..i have urgent shipment that need to move out soon and this has to happen. So i called another tug to SOS XXX 88 back to base. After my third attempt, finally the sleepy Captain answer my call. I tried to go back to sleep but feeling unease over the whole incident. An hour later, I called the SOS tug and yes confirmed he is on the way towards XXX 88. Phew.... great relief !!. The next morning would be another of those days.... bloody monday..?! I have to source for a replacement as shipment is urgent. Ding.... dong... ding... dong.... finally managed to secure a replacement. then another !@#$ shipment pulak got problem... aiyooooooooo.....

So,,,, on call 24/7.....??

S = S@#$?

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