Friday, November 20, 2009

Blessings ...

Do you remember me blogging about my 2 kailuis and how much more blessed my life has been due to their presence? Did you know it was exactly a year ago when I posted that topic? (to the date) Such a coincidence… What do you think is the significance?

A year later I have another reason to rejoice as my no.2 kailui, Percy, gave birth to little Alex on 17th Nov. He wasn’t due till the 19th but I guess he was impatient and couldn’t wait to join the rest of us out here.

That Tuesday morning, imagine the joy I felt when Chris called to inform me that his wife had delivered. The thing that touched me most was that he called me almost immediately after Percy delivered and that I didn’t have to "hear it through the grapevine." You can imagine how silly I looked grinning from ear to ear as I announced Alex's arrival to Penny, Joyce and Ah Lee. I felt even sillier when they asked me if it was a natural birth or Caesarian, what time she delivered and how heavy the baby was because through all the excitement I forgot to ask questions one is supposed to pertaining to a new born babe.

When the congratulations came pouring in, it really seemed as though I had truly been upgraded to position of “granny” and this time it isn’t being grandma to puppies but to a human baby!

There is a saying that life is an unopened book just waiting to be read.

As I think back of the time I watched Percy walked down the aisle. It dawned on me then that a new chapter had begun for her and for one poignant moment I wondered if I would be part of that chapter, or merely a forgotten page.

I don’t think Percy realizes how much it mattered to me knowing she cared enough to ask Chris to include me in the ‘must-call’ list. And so, grateful that I am, I thank Percy and Chris for sharing this special moment with me. I am grateful that at the start of this new chapter when they begin their roles as parents, they allowed me to be a part of it. Whatever happens from here on, even if I do not appear in future chapters, I will remember and cherish this moment forever.

Grandma welcomes you to this world Alex…. Don’t be naughty!

Monday, November 16, 2009

old songs rendezvous!

Good afternoon Fems! Its a Monday and i hope u are all ready to kick start the week , esp after that great de-stressing night we had on Saturday. Its been ages since we got together for our usual session, what with everyone so busy with their weekend activities and social obligations. But we managed to gather at least 4 heads together and had a nice time.

Paranormal Activity was the first side line entertainment we had. I think no one was interested in that but I really wanted to see what all the hype was about. I have to admit that I dare not watch this movie alone and I needed the Fems' support! So thanks, ladies!

After the movie ended, that was when the fun part began. I had the radio on and they were playing really old songs.
We sang along and had a hard time trying to figure out the titles and singers! Names like Lulu and Cilla Black, bands like CCR and Everly brothers and songs from way back when came to mind. It was a nice stroll down memory lane :)

So when's the next session , Fems? 50 sen for each correct song title and singer! How bout? HAHAHAHA!!!

E-vergreen songs

Friday, November 13, 2009


Of late there’s been a lot of hype surrounding the topic “2012” … Friends are going on and on about it, my sisters are too and if you don’t know what I’m referring to, I don’t know where you have been hiding yourself. Knock knock hellooo, are you there? Oh …and it’s not the movie I’m raving about. Incidentally 2012 the movie is slated to be the next blockbuster after “Paranormal Activity” and “This Is It.”

2012 refers to the Mayan calendar’s prediction that Dec 21st 2012 is when the world will come to an end! Doomsday, Armageddon, call it what you will. Whether one chooses to believe or disbelieve it is a different matter entirely but it doesn’t stop one from talking about it.

As has been occurring quite frequently in recent days… no matter what subjects we were chatting about earlier, the conversations would ultimately finds its way back to 2012 and its implications. This morning’s brunch with SP, AB and Pen was no exception.

Today we have unanimously decided (among the 4 of us that is-la) that since it has been a tradition to hold a Christmas party at my house at this time of the year, we will do it on 21st Dec in the year 2012. This way if the prediction comes true, we can at least all die together!! Friends in life and in death… How sweet and yet how morbid the thought…?? (oxymoron noted here.)

No one knows if this event is supposed to mark the “total” destruction of humankind, or just partial. So if by chance we survive the catastrophe, my house is best as it is near Tesco - in case we need to stock up. (We either loot the premises if no man is manning it or buy the foodstuffs if we have to).

Anyway, you are all invited to our farewell party… If nothing happens … well at least you’ll all get to enjoy a nice meal … you know for a fact that food is never lacking in any of our gatherings!

Please R.S.V.P by 15th December 2012.

For the FEMS ~ RIP!

Rest in Peace , Femstuff Blog!

The L word!

Now what L word are u thinking of!?? We all know that there was a drama series where L was the word! But my L word is not that L word! Mine is the Manglish L word , the little one with a huge purpose! Yep, its the LAH!
We use it too often and in too many versions. I looked it up in Wikipedia and they have it there. They say that its an "ubiquitous word" used at the end of a sentence. It can also be described as a particle that simultaneously asserts a position and entices solidarity. Whatever, lah!!
So, what about its usage? Again, in Wikipedia , they said that "'lah' is used to change a verb into a command or to soften its tone, particularly when usage of the verb may seem impolite." I say , Yes, meh?
The reason i am doing this post today is not cuz i want to be some expert on the L word. Today the L word appeared in my email as a way to express rudeness, annoyance and sarcasm! It comes after a polite word called Thanks. So here starts the story:
I have email contacts in my address book of people i do not really know. They are the middle people who open emails and then calls out to the people i know to come look at materials sent! These middle people are usually the spouses (always the males) or the kids ( always the teens!) . These people i know ( always the middle-aged females) are not very tech savvy people. They know what emails are , but they don't have their own personal email accounts.
I don't send these ladies fwd mails since they aren't the ones to check them. But they want me to send them dance sheets and video clips of dances I have taught them. That's part of my job and what i am paid to do.
Somewhere along the way , a couple of these middle people will eventually include me in their mailing list. I have no complaints cuz its as easy as a click away if i do not want to read the mails. But yesterday i got this one fwd email that i have seen being circulated over the years. And it had this huge bold question that goes " AMAZING! HOW DOES HE DO IT? " Usually i just hit Delete and forget about it. Yesterday however was a very very boring and slow day for me , and i very very Kaypo hit the Reply button and explained that Mr Copperfield wasn't all that magical nor amazing in 3 short lines.
What came back to me this morning in an email was the L word! It was typed in a font that's bold and black , size 24 , accompanied by a THANKS! ( with a LAH! ) Now if u read it in bold and big , it goes :

So u tell me , does this soften the note? I saw it and went OUCH!
E-mail slap!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My many little jobs !

I just completed a 3 month stint and got paid yesterday. This year has landed me many different jobs that has paid well. Basically i am a line dance instructor who teaches 3 classes a week. Every once in a while i conduct English courses for adults in the corporate world. This year's course was a long one that lasted 6 months. It was too long and grueling for me as i prefer shorter terms cuz they keep me on my feet with interest !! When i was midway thru this course i was asked to teach these young ladies some fitness class as well. They are obsessed with lean slender bodies and wanted to lose fats that they don't even have!!! Some of them wanted to learn line dance and some wanted hard core workouts. Finally the majority won , and i had to teach them aerobics with weight training as well. That was not difficult as i knew all the routines but the hard part was getting them lots of varieties. The distance i had travel was the part i hated most! It usually took me 30 min to get there on a good traffic day but coming back was always an hour's drive! But the money was good so i stuck to it for 6 months but finally considered it quite a hassle esp since it cuts into my Friday nights . So now i have my Friday nights again and ready to PARTYYYYY!
Another new job this year is the K&B Recognition Awards survey. I was asked by a friend who was offered this job but she didn't want to do it alone , so now we do it together. We are given questionnaires that are like 5 or 6 pages long , and we have to make appointments with the CEOs or Directors of several companies dealing with Kitchen and Bathroom products. They are big guns from big companies like TEKA and Rubine, etc. So it is a fun job too with its perks :) The money is good as well , and it has got me a bit more knowledgeable in that department. Special cooker hoods and appliances are now more meaningful to me !! This job is still on going till the end of the year when the Awards end.
The most interesting job this year is the one i just completed. And that's the dance training sessions i had to do with an engineering company that wanted their staff to perform during the annual dinner. It was very fun and i had a good time. But i have pics and videos to show for that , so i will make that another post in this blog.

E-xtra money

something to yak bout ?

i can't believe its been over a month since I last posted. Im not sure if anyone still reads (hard to "still read" when nothing new is posted). One of my friends who watches our blog has commented that nothing or no one is blogging anymore......

Guess, femps must be procrastinating, because in truth, I just don't know what to post about and its really tough to blog when our mind is either busy, empty or too lazy to write ??

We have just added a new member to our blog, P. P... mentioned that she is not a person that likes to write. Same with M as well. So that just leave F, E, and S to contribute to our dying blogsite. P.... just a few sentence also is acceptable.

These last two months was hectic as too many happenings, good, bad and sad. Two of ship crew died while on duty. Typhoon, land slides, earth quakes, bombing... ...... what else ?? Is the world coming to an end ?

I enjoyed my last trip to cambodia with 6 other friends, three of which are sisters. All 7 of us had so much fun eating, visiting places of interest, walking, climbing and buying stuff at bargain prices. Looking forward to our next trip in year 2010.

Over to you other FEMP members...... C ON T R I BU T E....