Friday, November 13, 2009


Of late there’s been a lot of hype surrounding the topic “2012” … Friends are going on and on about it, my sisters are too and if you don’t know what I’m referring to, I don’t know where you have been hiding yourself. Knock knock hellooo, are you there? Oh …and it’s not the movie I’m raving about. Incidentally 2012 the movie is slated to be the next blockbuster after “Paranormal Activity” and “This Is It.”

2012 refers to the Mayan calendar’s prediction that Dec 21st 2012 is when the world will come to an end! Doomsday, Armageddon, call it what you will. Whether one chooses to believe or disbelieve it is a different matter entirely but it doesn’t stop one from talking about it.

As has been occurring quite frequently in recent days… no matter what subjects we were chatting about earlier, the conversations would ultimately finds its way back to 2012 and its implications. This morning’s brunch with SP, AB and Pen was no exception.

Today we have unanimously decided (among the 4 of us that is-la) that since it has been a tradition to hold a Christmas party at my house at this time of the year, we will do it on 21st Dec in the year 2012. This way if the prediction comes true, we can at least all die together!! Friends in life and in death… How sweet and yet how morbid the thought…?? (oxymoron noted here.)

No one knows if this event is supposed to mark the “total” destruction of humankind, or just partial. So if by chance we survive the catastrophe, my house is best as it is near Tesco - in case we need to stock up. (We either loot the premises if no man is manning it or buy the foodstuffs if we have to).

Anyway, you are all invited to our farewell party… If nothing happens … well at least you’ll all get to enjoy a nice meal … you know for a fact that food is never lacking in any of our gatherings!

Please R.S.V.P by 15th December 2012.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one , F!!! I knew it wasnt a writer's block! U just needed a push and a shove , and lots of water for this horse to drink! LOL ! TQ TQ from the bottom of my FEMSTUFF heart!