I had been meaning to blog about this but procrastination is my middle name, (together with a dozen other bad habits that can make me the girl with the most negative middle names!!)
My journey involves the start of Sunday morning activities. My usual Sundays had always been lazy and hazy LOL with me still in jammies till noon!!! I just waste the first part of the day like a couch potato. But that has changed since this journey started this month.
RCIA , and acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, has been known to me since my parents became baptized back in the 80s , followed by my brother several years later. I attended both ceremonies and knew that one day it would be my turn. But i didn't know when.
My parents made arrangements for me to have personal RCIA classes cuz i made excuses about time and responsibility constraints. And even then nothing materialized. I found out in the last RCIA session that although it felt like i was the one who decided it was time for baptism, it was indeed a calling from God who made this decision for me. It is HE who calls upon us and tells us its time and You are ready. I found that so beautiful. The facilitator did not word it in such a manner but he was talking about some other topic and this just dawned on me. And it felt good.i will not be filling my Blog with all of my RCIA experiences. I know too well i had in the past, rolled my eyes and sighed when I heard conversations of religion going on and on. I did not understand then why they did that but i do know now that not everyone wants to hear about your joyous experiences, for they have not understood it yet. So i will spare them the long talks of religion. But occasionally i am bound to let some slip by me in this blog. Its for my own expression of love for God. Feel free to skip those so u don't have to roll your eyes backwards!!
E-xpression of Love( of a different kind)
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