OK OK jokes aside, i started this journey of faith in the middle of this year. Diane and I have been attending RCIA classes since then. That was the first step and now we are moving on to the 2nd one. We have chosen our god parents and they will be with us this Sunday, to guide us thru several rites.
To further understand these rites and ceremonies, here are some details :
Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate
This is also known as the Period of Inquiry. During this period, teaching is given to people who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. The sessions cover basic information about the Faith and fundamentally should[citation needed] communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is offering here an invitation to initial conversion. There is no obligation involved in attending these meetings—they are intended to help a person decide whether they want to continue learning about the Faith. Attendees at this stage are known as Inquirers.Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens
The Inquirers who wish to continue now move onto the next stage, which is known as the Period of the Catechumenate. The Inquirers who are not already baptized are welcomed to this next stage via the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. As they enter this Rite they are known as Candidates. As they leave this Rite they are now referred to as Catechumens.Such rites may take place throughout the year, but most often take place during Advent and the month before it (October through December). By this time, Catechumens must have in mind someone who would be willing to “sponsor” them. The sponsors are usually practicing strict Catholics that the Catechumens know. The duties of a sponsor are to go with them through the various rites, and provide individual instruction about matters of faith.
This is a very significant step, so much so that for Catechumens (unbaptized): ”One who dies during the Catechumenate receives a Christian burial.”[47]
From the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This is the first rite that takes place at the beginning of the general Sunday Mass in front of the parish community.
More from this link:
E-ver ready :)
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