Wednesday, April 4, 2007


HAPPINESS~ a state of mind.... being content and .... well, just satisfied and full of smiles :) What brings me to this topic today? i saw an article this morning and it lists 10 sure ways to be happy. i looked thru all 10 and i can safely say ... I guess i am happy! :)
Let's go thru all the 10 and see if u are happy too!
1. Lighten up about $$$ ~ i don't have all that much money but i don't worry too much about it. extra cash would be great but i don't sit and think that much over it! i hear of everyday people who have millions ( honest!!) but i know i won't achieve that. So let's move on la! :)
2. Talk yourself happy ~ in other words, discard all negative thoughts ..... think & talk happy :) we are what we think! so yeah , no point mulling over the GRRRRR stuff
3. Act happy ~ almost the same as no.3 , except u just don't think happy thoughts, u have to act happy too. i guess that might mean u have to walk around with a perpetual smile on your face and look pretty loony! i can do that :) starting NOW! :)
4. Don't get nostalgic ~ i do get into that sometimes and realise that it does no good for the ego. if u think of past happier times , it makes u want them back. if u think of the bad ones, it makes u
:( It says in the survey that if u make comparisons with people who are worse off than u , then u will feel better about yourself. In other words, count your blessings :)
5.Regular exercise ~ that's the ONE for me! I have been called the fitness freak but honestly it really does wonders for me! i can vouch for it ~ when i feel :( or moody , a good workout cures that :) I love exercise and look forward to that everyday! Call me weird!
6. Get organised ~ we are suppose to prioritise but not get into a control freak regime that follows schedules right to the T! i don't know where i stand in this one...i am not a very ogranised person, in fact i am the biggest procrastinator ever!! but , hey 9 out of 10 isn't bad! I have not reached the end yet tho! ;)
7. Do things you really enjoy ~ oh yeah, i have more than enough time to do all that !!! I enjoy my PC time, i love my workouts, i look forward to my dance classes.... i go crazy over food .... enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
8. Stay close to your friends ~ oh yes yes yes , how much closer can we get ... MSN is just a click away..even tho they are miles away in another end of the planet! And my friends include my family too ... my kiddies ( who are no longer kiddies actually!) my mum ( the PC savviest grandma around!) and brother ( the PC expert) Everyone is just a click away!
9. Make the most of your job~ My mini part time one is sheer pleasure for me too! It is not about the money ~ it only gives me peanuts but i love it! hey i am not sounding too perky in here am i???? Sorry la!
10. Believe in something ~ and they don't just mean religion. Hopefully we all believe in God. i know i do !!! I turn to Him every night and pray :) and sometimes fall asleep in the middle of a longer prayer ( Come on, admit it , we all do that!) But besides religion , i think u have to believe in yourself and that u are worth a lot more than anyone else thinks!!!
So there! i can deduce from this little article i read that I AM HAPPY :)
What about u??? Hey even 8 out of 10 isn't bad!
Be Happy !!!
E-happy ..... heheheheheh!

1 comment:

FEMS said...

Waa... somebody so happy she passed the 'happy' test !! Don't forget having good friends around helps, and we are that !! Cepat show yr appreciation, belanja kami makan! F of FEMS