Monday, April 30, 2007

Read the fine print!!! who does!??

Do we really read the fine print in any document??? Do we take the time to read the rules and regulations on any printed matter, or even the the simple coupons that have a little aster ix like this * which follows with "terms and conditions apply" ???? They don't even have to be in very fine print, some of us just don't read any such boring stuff , UNLESS it involves some big amount of money , esp OUR own money !!!
I know i don't read those but sometimes it works out for us! Last week was Jaya Jusco's Privilege shopping day for members. They sent out a coupon to every member and we were suppose to pick ONE day to use that coupon! Of course i didn't read the print even tho it wasn't small! I wasn't even interested in that privileged shopping since it was only a 15% discount store wide. But we went shopping as stated in my last post in this blog. ( GO read!!) And i managed to get the same coupon from the service counter at JJ by just showing them my JJ card. So i had picked that one day to use it!

2 days later i went to JJ again, and i showed my member's card AGAIN , and i got the coupon AGAIN, shopped AGAIN, got the 15% discount AGAIN. The same thing happened on Sunday , so i had in actual fact used the coupons on 3 occasions , when they had said PICK ONE DAY! My sis was aghast !!! yes her eyes went like this @@ and her mouth like this O well put them together she looked quite shocked!!! Hahahaha! I told her it was no big deal , JJ knows everyone does that , i mean the plot is to let everyone shop like crazy. After all they will get the profits but then i found out that ALL her friends had been thinking like her. They had been saving their ONE coupon for that ONE special day , and then that was it! No more 15% discounts , no more coupons! So i told her that there are counters giving out those coupons everyday and all they need is your member's card. They don't care if u took one yesterday and used it . My sis said i didn't read the fine print!!!! OMG, i must have committed a crime then!!!! @@ i am aghast too!

Call the JJ police and have me arrested!!! Hahahahahaah!!! And while i am at it , my sis and her friends should get an award for being so honest! I think JJ should give them some recognition for their loyalty!

E-mbarrassed :O

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