Friday, October 26, 2007

cooking porridge on the phone!

Our local Telco has been advertising their "puas puas" talk package and i didn't really pay much attention to it. i am a very sceptical person and don't really trust any new, free or special offers. But when they happened to call me up to tell me that i should try out this package, i was not even home to take the call. My oldest girl was home tho and she took the time to listen to all that blah blah involved. She took down notes and said that she will calculate the savings i can make IF i do take up this offer. It took a while to move this stubborn procrastinator but i did eventually move my butt to the local Telco office and got some stuff done. I had procrastinated a long time ~ but i finally cancelled one unused phone line that i pay 25Rm for every month, terminated my very old dial up line that i pay 20-ish RM for annually, upgraded hubby's office Internet and last but not least , i got this new "cooking phone porridge" package all for RM68!This new move meant i can make free and unlimited local calls till like forever , i think !!! As for nationwide calls, i can make the same unlimited and free calls too , from way up north to down south Johor :) inclusive of sabah and sarawak. This will only be applicable till the end of the year. So i have about 2.5 mths to enjoy that.My first free nationwide call was to my mum and dad who are up north. That call didn't even last 4 min cuz they had guests to entertain. My next victim was my sis , also up north , and she was at work . That call didn't even last 2 min!!!! Sigh, so much for cooking porridge!!!! My sis called me back later on her mobile phone and we talked for 15 min ( she paid for it !!!! nyah ha ha !) Later that night, i phoned my dad again and he picked up the phone and just laughed!!!! He said that he knew it was me when the phone started to ring! Yeah yeah, that's the free-phone-calls kiasu one! He said he would make a list of people i can call all over the country ~ most of them would be relatives. I am sure all of them will be wondering what got over me and why i am harassing them!!!! So needless to say , up till now, i have not called anyone yet. i don't want to be a pest!!!Its been 11 days since i activated this package and the porridge isn't cooked yet!!! Ah well, as long as i am paying less for my phone bills every month , its ok. Cooking rice is just as good a reason to get a new offer package!

E-xpect a call from me!!

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