Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My own Busy-ness

Hello Helllloooooo :)
On many many occasions i had been online and wanted to add a post in here, with a million topics to blog about. When i am not on the PC, my mind is full of ideas, but once i sit here i hesitate for fear that i may say the wrong stuff. Some things are too personal ( not for me but for the ones i blog about ) and i do not wish for a 3rd party to think i am talking about them. Not that what i say is offensive but it may be too personal. Some topics may seem too judgmental , some topics may make me look bad cuz i can be quite opinionated at times :P Thus i had been quiet for a while, trying to get a happy medium, stay on a safe topic and not "teck chooi" (hokkien) anyone !!!
Lots had been happening in my life but i have to sieve thru what i can say and what i cant cuz it somehow involves some other people. Hmmmm, maybe i can tread on some thin ice here and just say a bit about my life superficially , without mentioning names at all. If u think its U , then u are wrong , cuz i think the people i mean do not read this blog and have no right being in here ! Hehehehe, no lah , that's a bit too harsh and judgemental again ! Yikes!!!
OK , i do my share of part time jobs that i like and enjoy. A little bit of pocket money and a ton of fun is what i get from my classes. THAT i have no complaints about .... ermmm, except for one particular snag lah! The Kiasu and competitive attitude of the instructors leave much to be desired. The bitchiness and gossips are all part of the package but i managed to stay clear of those undesirable elements, and i am blessed that i can be indifferent and DIFFERENT ( from all the rest!) ...if u know what i mean ! i just do my stuff and leave the rest alone. In other words i dont care what u do and say! ( as long as its not about me!!)
My other very part time job pays a whole lot more but its as erratic as a menopausal woman!!! ( again i am not referring to any woman in particular Heheheh) One minute i get a good offer and i say OK i will take it ,even tho the stress of driving to the location is humongous! Then i sit in front of the Pc and cram a day's work into 2 short hours ( phew) , send it of via email and wait for the approval. After the approval i wait for a confirmation that does not come and the date line draws nearer and i still don't hear a peep from the people involved. i cant just jump at the drop of a pin and get ready for work in a day! This needs preparation and lots of "tools" . So the waiting sort of takes away the joy and the fun. And it makes me sit and think of the down-side of the job. So now i am secretly hoping that it wont be approved , nyah ha ha !!!! Then i can plan a holiday in November and December :)
My 3rd grouse this month is about some high flying occasion that i dread going to . So i was secretly praying AGAIN ( looks like i am doing a lot of that lately!). I know any fellow Malaysian would love to get an invite for this "do" but not me, i had been to a few and don't like to be among the elite. Dressing up and making small talk is not my idea of a fun night. Sigh! I was asked to provide them with my address and phone number via email but i waited till the last possible moment to get back to them. By then i had a number of SMS's sent my way asking me for this and that and if i remember so and so. I waited till 2 days b4 the big event to reply and said "oops its too late for the invite to arrive. "So i am safe. My close friend is grumbling about this and calling me a bloody cow !!! ( pardon the french!) So as of now, she is still trying to get out of it as well,. Let's see if she is successful. Its 4 hours away from NOW!

I have more stuff going on in my life..... but better stop here or else it will be endless! sigh!

E-longated breath ( hehehee! Something like Cheong hey !)

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