In the midst of a leisure day at work, E wei-ed me on the MSN asking " No countdown tonight?" Since both of us had no definate plans for the evening, we decided to have dinner at J.J., which is incidentally, the latest place to lepak if you have nothing better to do. Besides, Suki (One In a Million winner) & Jackyn Victor and some other stars were scheduled to make an appearance at J.J. the same night.
Just before I left the office, Alan, one of IMF's staff told me that his friend wanted to adopt one of the strays, either Ah Sar or Ah Kiew. I gave him an ultimatum, his friend had to take both or not at all. His friend agreed and Alan went on to say that his friend would be taking the puppies the same evening.
As a norm, I feed the strays twice a day. Once in the morning and again in the evening before I go home. I was about to feed the strays when I saw a van with 2 ladies and a guy approaching. Ah Sar & Ah Kiew were playfully jumping up and down. I observed the occupants of the van smiling at the dogs antics. I fed the dogs and signaled to one of the ladies, pointing to the dogs. She alighted from the van and I asked if they were here for the dogs and she nodded.
Just before I left the office, Alan, one of IMF's staff told me that his friend wanted to adopt one of the strays, either Ah Sar or Ah Kiew. I gave him an ultimatum, his friend had to take both or not at all. His friend agreed and Alan went on to say that his friend would be taking the puppies the same evening.
As a norm, I feed the strays twice a day. Once in the morning and again in the evening before I go home. I was about to feed the strays when I saw a van with 2 ladies and a guy approaching. Ah Sar & Ah Kiew were playfully jumping up and down. I observed the occupants of the van smiling at the dogs antics. I fed the dogs and signaled to one of the ladies, pointing to the dogs. She alighted from the van and I asked if they were here for the dogs and she nodded.
All 3 then came forward and they started petting the dogs. I sort of interrogated them, asking them where they were staying and if they were definately taking both dogs. The man was telling me in Cantonese about his previous dog and then Alan appeared. He asked me, "so what is your decision?" and horrors I started crying! How embarassing! Anyway I told them to take the dogs but to let me to leave first.
I went home to change and headed directly to E's. Together with Diane, we left immediately to J.J. Normally, if we are going somewhere nearby, I would drive but I was pretty upset over the dogs and made E do the driving that night.
We had dinner at BBQ Plaza. Aiyoh, a lot of work, man! Had to keep applying lard on the pan. If not the meat would stick to the pan. But the food was okay la, meat my favourite la.
After dinner we went to Big Apple where Diane and E shared a doughnut while I had a cup of Cappacino. Then we walked around and went to Maxis Centre. My boss was going to get me a new mobile phone and I wanted to see what it was looked like.
After that the plan was to hang around for the outdoor concert until Jacklyn Victor had sang at least. On our way out guess whom we saw hurrying into J.J main entrance? It was Suki. We had our cameras with us and we waited at the entrance for her. We noticed a group of young chicos (guys) waiting with their handphone cameras ready so we thought we outdo them. We waited outside the toilet for her!
Suki was nice enough to take a photo with me.

The only other famous person I would wait to have my photo taken with would be Tun Dr Mahathir, I think.
We managed to see Suki as well as Jacklyn perform. Since it was starting to drizzle, we decided to forgo the fireworks display and left for home. It turned out to be quite an eventful day afterall.
On my way home that night, I stopped by my office grounds to see if the strays were gone. Yikes! how come both of them are still there? Alan told me this morning that they only managed to catch one of the strays that evening so after a while they released the other one as well. It's better for them to have a permanent home so I told Alan I'd help them catch the pups if they come again.
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