Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's one BIG Lie !

It's not true about Kota Bharu's ban on high heels and makeup ..... Jed Yoong says this in her blog

Quote :

Wong Chun Wai can’t stop obsessing about how women in Kota Bharu dress. This time, he has gone too far by
LYING that the Kota Bharu City Council (MPKB) has “issued an order to ban female workers of the MBKB and permit holders from putting on lipsticks or wearing high-heels”.
THIS IS FALSE. No by-law has been passed or enforced. An advisory on “preferred” modes of Islamic dressing was distributed.
Sinar Harian has corrected this blatant lie and irresponsible, unscrupulous and defamatory report by
The Star and Bernama.


Now why would the Star lie about this issue? Is it a coincidence that Kuantan falls under PAS's ruling (an opposition party in the eyes of BN) and is its purpose to instill fear in the hearts of the non-Muslims ?? ( There... there vote opposition la !)


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