Saturday, June 21, 2008

Walls have ears.....

We all know that walls have ears! We make sure we say the right stuff even behind doors , cuz we know that walls can hear but they somehow have mouths that can spread news too. But my post today isn't about walls that eaves drops! Its about those species from mars whose ears seem to have been surgically removed. Hmmm i suppose those same severed ears have been donated to walls! LOL!
yes, i am talking about MEN! We look at them and they seem to have those 2 protrusions on the sides of their head but i think they don't function well esp when the sounds come from some higher pitched species! LOL! Among themselves i think they have the same audio wavelengths but put those same ears next to the lips of some female and No comprehendo! LOL!
DAMAGED ORGANS!!!! Here is an example of a piece of so-called conversation ~ between my spouse and i!My phone rings at 10pm and there is this voice at the other end :
M: Do u want supper?
F: No thanks , i am not hungry.
M: How about Cantonese fried mee ?
F: NO thanks , i had a huge dinner.
M: Fried mee from Intan?
F: NO , its ok , thanks. ...unless u are hungry and want to eat.
M: I'll buy a packet of mee then.
F: just buy enough for one. I am NOT going to eat!
M: Ok i will buy for 2!
F: NO , NO! I am not going to eat, buy for just ONE!
M: OK , i will buy for 2 :) be back soon!
I rest my case!

1 comment:

FEMS said...

hahhahaaa..... i can imagine how the conversation goes..... !! Yup, i totally agree with you... Men are ALL EARS.....