Wednesday, June 29, 2011

get off my Chat box!!!

If you look to the right and peep into the Chat Box in this blog, you will see tons of strangers leaving their words in there. None of them has any interest in this space, none of them stop by to read at all. They are just parasites , dropping by and leaving their little ads to promote their own blogs which are not even personal ones. They are all ads for some kind of sales! 
I have a deep urge to remove that chat box, seeing that no one actually leaves personal notes there at all anyway.  One way of finding out if these are genuine readers, is to just place your cursor on their name and if it "click-able" then its not worth clicking on!!! 10 times out of 10, the click will bring you to a website that either sells some stuff or advertises some other sell-able stuff!  
So I am seriously considering Clicking on Remove or Delete, and get these pests out of my sight! Yes, I am talking about YOU, the parasite with your leech-like attitude, your days are over..... JUST LEAVE! I am booting u off .... 1-2-3  


FEMS said...

wah lau eh.... sounds angry and really p#@! off !!

FEMS said...

Ganas hor? hehehehe