Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

Its always the common interest of almost everyone to want to know what is in store for them in the new year. They want to make new changes to improve their lives and hopefully have a better harvest.
We each have our own way of trying to enhance the quality of our lives. For some, an external change may be the way. With the help of horoscopes, predictions and clairvoyance, some tread into the New Year with warnings and gentle reminders, some are shown the way to excel and others may expect good news awaiting them in certain months.
This Sunday I had a different kind of eye-opener that may be even more powerful to me than any palm reading or Chinese horoscope. Of course this is just my own opinion, I am not judging the rest of the world that puts their trust in other forms of beliefs. 
I went for my usual RCIA class and we had a new facilitator today. She gave me a new insight into our lives and how we live it. The RCIA class is of course a very spiritually based class but she told us that religion is not always just plainly spiritual. We apply it into our daily lives all the time without realizing it. There are circumstances and situations where we have to find a good balance. 
Our lives change from time to time, so do our moods and our emotions. Our preferences and opinions may suddenly take a turn in the opposite direction. At times it is for the better and other times it is not. What Sister Connie taught us today is a beautiful lesson. In all we do and all we say , always invite God to guide us. Our decision, our reactions , our involvement and participation will be so much easier if we let Him show us the way. 
Take the time to be calm and reflect on what we want achieved, open your hearts to welcome the Divine Power and you will be shown the way towards the New Year and all the other days that lie ahead.   

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