Monday, January 17, 2011

Goes without Signing !!

The more common phrase is "Goes without SAYING" but what i am talking about is this blog. Its called FEMSTUFF and the FEMS used to stand for the 4 of us with initials F,E, M and S.

From the very beginning M was never a contributor. i think she hardly ever logged in to read the posts at all. The remainder 3 of us did supply some input periodically. The ratio was quite balanced with everyone putting in their 2 cents worth of thoughts.

Each of us had a different kind of aptitude when it came to blogging. We had our own styles and topics. S usually did very personal ones about her twins, or her career ~ both provided her with an equal amount of pleasure as well as stress.

F said that she loves to write and she almost did become a writer. She does a variety of different topics that are mainly general and generic. She has done some factual ones on religion and politics. On several occasions she has even shared some personal moments in the blog.

I am E. The one who does not hold a full time job. Free lancing is what i do and this ranges from being a dance instructor, a trainer, a surveyor/interviewer and of late a contributing writer for a magazine. Thus, i have more time on my hands to fill this blog with my nonsense!!

Of late, we had started to neglect this blog. It died a cold death last year and i did my best to revive it by gentle persuasion which did not really work. After several failed attempts, I used more force and pushed one horse to the water and actually succeeded in making that horse drink the water!! But it was short lived. I guess she wasn't that thirsty after all.

BLOG OR ELSE........

I picked up from where they left off and started to post some short proses. Some were to vent and release frustrations or portray my joy and little pleasures in life,  but most were just ramblings to fill up the empty spaces in here. Nevertheless, it kept this blog alive. Every so often i am tempted to delete the entire site but in doing so, i know i would be wiping away all the memories and sentiments of a good friendship. 

So, for now i am the only one who ventures in here, and leave bits and pieces of me in the hopes these little posts will be like oxygen sustaining this "baby" of ours. I no longer need to sign off when i am done with the posts. We used to do that so all who read will know which one of us was the writer. Now it goes with Saying/Signing..... its only E against the blog world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am kidding. No one should feel obligated to post anything in here. I just enjoy blogging so i will carry on this silly ramble. :)
Cheers to all :)