Friday, May 18, 2007

Murphy's Law!!!

U are probably wondering what it is with me and laws!!!! First its the Newton's 1st law (inertia) and now its Murphy's!!! Hahahaha!!! Well, newton's was proven, Murphy's law, on the other hand, is just a saying. And this is what it is : Murphy's Law states that "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time," ... and believe me , its proven to be quite true in my life!!! Its a saying in the western culture and i have heard my mum saying the Hokkien version as well that goes: "Chuan Geen Chuan Too" ~ that's in Penang Hokkien so a lot of u may not understand it.
This is my version of F's eventful weekend. I was really looking forward to a getaway weekend. Its been ages since i had a holiday :( away from home. The golfers planned it and i was going to make the best of it. I had qualms about sharing a private apartment with an unknown friend. But it was not as bad as it seemed. She is nice in her own demure way , very unlike the noisy silly people are!!! She carried her part of the conversation well , and made us feel at home at her apartment.
We did get some alone time to be crazy though , when we took the cable car and went up to the top of the highlands. F was left to try her luck at the slot machines, while my other friend and her daughter took me to the karaoke room for some lung exercise!!! I had fun singing the safe songs so as not to embarrass anyone! Another friend joined us later and after the singing session we made our way back to the casino where we combined our luck and made the mini jackpot for F! 3 pairs of hands busy pressing the screen won her 1200RM! And we finally dragged away from the machine!
Dinner was nice , and after dinner we went back to the casino. I lost a total of 40RM and my other half lost 600RM!! We made it back to the apartment at midnight ~ oh and i must not forget to mention that i had many Mother's day wishes on my phone :) Thanks kids ! ( Wilson included) Back at the apartment we stayed up to chit chat till 2am and then i went to bed , Brrrrrrrrrrrr it was a cold night!
The next day we made our way home after lunch and that's when Murphy played his trick on us. i was worried about my car tyres so we drove really slow. And when we made it downhill in one piece i was a bit relieved but the worst was yet to come. The car radiator leaked and the engine overheated. We stopped by a petrol station and were told to wait for 30 min b4 we fill up the radiator. McD was nearby so we went for drinks. Later when we found out that filling up with water didn't help, we called for a tow truck. And that was when we realized that the keys were locked in the car!!! ALAMAK!!!! Itu la , i say Murphy's law!!! So the tow truck guy had to drive one of us back home to get the extra set of keys . Apparently he estimated the ride to be 30 min but then Murphy struck again ..... there was a huge thunderstorm along the Kesas Highway and the floods caused a massive jam. So it took more than the double the estimated time getting there , and coming back ..... well, it was like almost 3 hours!!!! ARRGGHHHH! By the time we made it back home with all the necessary done , it was 9pm and i was ready to collapse! My sis called to ask me one million and one questions about the event , and it was right at the time when i was watching Greys anatomy season finale!!! i was trying to keep my cool but my voice was getting softer and slower in speech Hahahahahah!!! Phew! but i kept my cool! :) To sum it all up, remember this was Mother's day!!! And Boy, its got to be one of the most memorable ones for me!!!
One consolation though, the radiator is OK . I only had to get the top casing/housing replaced for 210RM :) and tomorrow i will get all 4 new tyres , so my car will be good as new again!!!
Come July13th Genting here we come ..... MLTR , i hope u have learnt how to rock so u can teach us how to rock too !!! :)

E-xhausted Mom's day!


FEMS said...

all is well that ends well

FEMS said...

happy eventful mother's day