Friday, May 4, 2007

Mushroom farm

Ok this will be the last post on Tanjung Sepat . I was thinking that since i have the pics i might as well post them here and be done with it. Like F said and so did i in the previous post, the process of cultivating the mushrooms would have been really intriguing IF only we understood more of what the guide said! All i know is there was some spawning process involved. And they use saw dust to pack some cylindrical container. Somehow the saw dust that's originally brown in colour would turn white! I am sure there is some complex procedure involved but in hokkien its all mambo jumbo to me! Hmmm, i think once the saw dust turns white its time for spawning process. If i am not mistaken , there is some steaming involved as well for the development of the spawns!!! ( sorry if i am wrong ~ this "banana" needs to improve on her hokkien skills! And listening skills as well. And while we are at it , maybe i need to be checked for some ADD * symptoms as well!!) * ABBREVIATION FOR Attention Deficit Disorder: a condition in which someone, especially a child, is often in a state of activity or excitement and unable to direct their attention towards what they are doing.
Ok back to the mushrooms, ( see what i mean about ADD!! ) ~ at the mushroom farm , there is also a cooling room . I think after the heating or steaming, the mushrooms start to sprout , and that is when they are left out to grow. I guess the cooling room would be the end process.

There were many types of mushrooms there , tho they really specialise in the lingzhi ones. let's see they have : -

This last pic shows lingzhi mushrooms that were picked and then preserved. They aren't growing from that piece of tree truck. These are just for display and had been polished with a kind of lacquer.
if u want to know more about the mushrooms , here is the link u should visit.
Happy reading :)

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